Monday, May 19, 2008


Secret of Life #1. To Grandmother's House We Go.
What a blessing it is to be able to sing this song and know I will be welcome with open arms by my amazing grandparents, allowing their granddaughter free roam, free room, and free board. And what a blessing it is to be able to live in a spacious, classy, large and lovely home for the summer; though it may not promote easy compliance come time to purchase my own first apartment or house next January. I am fully admitting a small part of myself that confides in shallow waters regarding the roof over my head.

Secret of Life #2. Twin Size Bed.
I left you at home in Boise. And I was greeted by my 'new,' (albeit the actual bed my father slept in during his High School Years at Olympus), QUEEN size mattress. I find it interesting though, that despite the grandeur and luxury of a large bed, I wake up to discover one half of the bed remained untouched. Perhaps I am not yet broken in, but perhaps a twin size bed really is all I need. And perhaps this means that when the appropriate time comes to share a bed with my significant other, I will have no problem adjusting. I appreciate, oh twin size bed, the humility you have afforded me (and the extra allowance to have extra dough to satisfy my future home hunting desires..).

Secret of Life #3. New People.
My time spent in the City of the Salt Lake merely totals 6 days and yet, new coworkers, student ward church leaders, neighbors, dates, and friends run amok. And I was especially grateful to be 'spotlighted' at Ward prayer yesterday evening in my church Counselor's LOVELY home- and having to stand dead center in front of 30 new faces, while random Meredith Kaye Mangum facts were spouted off. Really loved that. But turns out it was a great launching pad for conversations and exchanging of phone numbers with males and females alike.

Secret of Life #4. A GREAT JOB.
I cannot say enough about you. And very little semantics would do you justice. I am very sure all facets of you will be discussed in future posts, in greater detail. But for now- compliments from my Doctor, free lunches from the office manager, and a sweet yellow bird pen that lights up when pressed against thin white sheets of murdered trees- make you great.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

P.S. I Love You

Secret of Life #1. Late night chick flicks.

You are the greatest post finals, during my last night at home, when alone with my mother, and when such a broad range of emotions are running through my head. All I know is this: The movie, P.S. I Love You, is incredible. Heavy subject matter, but created in such a romantic and hopeful light. Only reinforced my faith in eternal families. And perhaps my hot, hot crush on Gerard Butler.

P.S. Goodbye Boise. Helloooooo SLC!

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Penny Saver

Secret of Life #1. Never buying anything full retail price.
You are my mantra. And I was reminded of why this weekend. You really pulled through for me in a crunch. Ann Taylor Loft, White House Black Market, Shopko: Thank you for doubling my expenses, and tripling my savings. Your generosity allowed for REAL turquoise gem stone jewelry, a tres chic black top, and a smokin' paten leather white and black handbag. My mother LOVES you. And as for the 'evening blue' summer dress, classy white short sleeved blouse, and dark denim jean skirt- I love you. Another successful weekend in consumer land.

Secret of Life #2. High School Academics.
You were SO easy. Always did the homework, but never studied. Always went to class, but didn't have a first period. The sound of the bell meant dropping my pencil mid sentence and putting my college-ruled notes into the vast dark vacuum of space of my purple North Face backpack, with it's impending death looming, never to be seen again. And yet, anything short of a 4.0 was a major faux pas. Fast forward a few years, end of my junior year in college, and you seem even easier. Presently studying til the wee hours of (almost) every morning, in combination with large amounts of diet sodas, a pack of gum a night (total chain-chewer, I admit), and iTunes favorites playing over, and over, and over... Mariah Carey, you have said Bye-Bye hundreds of times, I just don't believe you anymore.

Secret of Life #3. Manic Monday.
Last final on this Monday, May 12th. ONE MORE! A very vigorous and enthusiastic personal celebration will ensue shortly thereafter. Maintaining composure, however, will be necessary as I will then be forced into madness as I attempt to pack for my 3.5 month adventure. Dad (and Jess; and Chris), if you think I pack too much for weekend vacays, you just wait....

Secret of Life #4. New Wheels.
Did I mention the small, teeny weeny, slightly significant addition of a new car into my 'new' life? Let me introduce you to Lucy, my 2007 white Saturn Ion. She may not be the hottest mamacita by societal standards, but I absolutely adore her because she is mine. My first 'real world' purchase. (Note: Blogger could not be any slower in uploading pictures.. Will post a pic of my lady when this social medium wants to cooperate.)

Saturday, May 10, 2008


Secret of Life #1. Boise, Idaho.
My hometown. My life for the past twenty years and 11 months. My birthplace. My niche. My comfort zone. My city encapsulating my first kiss, my green soccer fields, my first love, my hop-scotch skipping cement sidewalks, my first heartache. My roots, running deep and twisted through the rich soil of incredible family ties, memories and Idaho potatoes. Yet, my branches are so eager to expand, reach out, divide, bloom. We really don't know what we have til it's gone- or we loosen our grip on our first bicycle, and attempt a ride without the training wheels, eventually moving with a 'no hands' approach. However, physically I still can't even do that one, so there is no way I will even pretend to claim experience on the latter metaphor. Here's to savoring my final days (for awhile) in my home with runs through Boise at dusk, dinner with siblings, Redbox movie rentals crammed onto one couch with my family, and late-night dangerous pondering of cheesy notions. And here's to my uncontrolled excitement, and a small piece of nervous pie, for the summer ahead of me- will be attempting the 'no hands' (or at least a one limb death grip..) bicycle ride 500 miles south of Les Bois.

Secret of Life #2. Shoes.
When a find a very classy pair of you for three dollars at (gasp!) Shopko, of all places, it really gets me going. And I mean really. Like the vision of myself marching out of the mother-of-pearl brick walled superstore, white plastic sack in hand, with the tan witch-toed sling backs sloshing inside, throwing on my Paris Hilton-esque bug eyed $6 Ross sunglasses, and flipping my car keys around my finger, as if I owned the place. Though I must say I am justified. Take one look inside my non-green friendly plastic sack with red and navy blue Shopko logos plastered all over it, and you'll know why. But then reality sets back in. "Uh, ma'am, I said that will be three dollars and eleven cents. Ma'am...?" Oh right, here's my card, debit please.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

New Beginnings

Secret of Life #1. Salt Lake City, UT Internship.

You. Are. MINE! The second child of Michael and Karen (and the gazillionth Clifford/Mangum/Knight/Wilkinson/Jones relative..) will be finding her way through the Motherland's streets, starting May 13th. The proclaimed "slam dunk" interview, the opportunity to be Dr. Steve Simper's nurse (aka right hand woman) for three and a half hot summer months, land a dream job six months PRE-graduation, and the chance to be in such close proximity to dear friends and family... Absolutely priceless. Thank you Rocky Mountain Associated Physicians at St. Mark's hospital, Dr. Simper, Ray, Kim, and Carla. Your enthusiasm and complimentary demeanor have never made me feel more welcome, wanted, and of worth. Really, unparalleled.

SoL #2. Sugarhouse District.

You will provide me with constant nostalgia while living in my home away from home growing up. Running through sugarhouse park. Beautiful views of the Salt Lake valley from my grandparent's home. Panda Express on 2100 South. And most of all, four minutes from Nordstrom Rack, Old Navy and Ann Taylor Loft. So unbelievably dangerous. Can't wait to become best friends.

SoL#3. More Sugar.

Viewed the Classic Rock Allstars concert at the 'E' Center in West Valley, with the keyboardist/vocalist from the old rock band Sugarloaf. Then listened to my date, who shall remain anonymous, yell over the phone to his brother, "Meatloaf is here!!!!"

SoL #4. Welcomed Interruptions.

Mid dead weak before finals, random texts and facebook chats piercing the solitude and solidarity of fierce studying are SO refreshing. Keep 'em comin'.