Sunday, November 16, 2008

The Future of America

And to further my Christmas cheers...

A double-fisted cheers to my dear friend, Derek Erstad, as he embarks on a journey many of us only fantasize about (if that even, as most of us do not know such lengths are possible).

Derek will be interviewing in San Francisco tomorrow for the Marshall scholarship. And then he will be off to Seattle to interview, as he was chosen as a Rhodes Scholar finalist. Simply to be nominated is an incredible feat, one of which makes me so proud to have him as someone so near and dear to my heart; but if he is selected, he will have the opportunity to study and research medicine at Oxford University in England for two years.

I like to brag, because he never does.
Good luck to you Derek. You have my utmost respect, and my open arms to welcome our superhero back home.

1 comment:

John and Julie Kupper said...

umm maybe you need to date this guy.. what a cutie!