Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Medical Courtship

Wednesday, May 12th, 2010... I have a date with a surgeon.

No, not that guy.

This guy...

He technically is the same age as my dad.
He happens to be married. (But apparently these days that doesn't matter.)
I will be asleep for the duration of the date.
I may even wake up from said sleep and vomit all over him from nausea.
I am also planning to wear a sexy cotton backless gown.
And I will pay.
In 15 days I will be going under the knife for left ACL repair, for the third time.
Despite my date giving me a swollen and incredibly pained knee, he does give me some good drugs out of the deal. (But then again.. he prescribes, I pay.)
Until then, I'll ice my knee and pop ibuprofen like candy. It's like going on a carb-free diet before swimsuit season. (But then again.. I've never done that.)
Wish this gimp luck.

1 comment:

Tony and Jessica Bergstrom said...

haha ok I was scared for a minute but then I kept reading.... OH OK