Friday, April 11, 2008

A First Time For Everything

So, I was introduced to this whole 'blogging' business through my best friend, Jessica Kruger. With such experienced internet stalking skills, I only followed suit with this new social networking medium. To my pleasant surprise, I discovered this is such a fun, classy, and unique way to journal my simple, yet incredible life, and keep in touch with those near and far, young and old, facebook eligible or not.

Though I may not be curing cancer (today), traveling the world (today), or fighting terrorism overseas (today, and tomorrow isn't looking good either..), I absolutely love my life. I find such joy in the moments, moments of waking up to the sun shining across my pillow, of watching chick-flick tear-jerkers (Steel Magnolias, Return to me, the Notebook, to name a few) by myself- crying-inconsolably, of witnessing the pain ease for one second in a patient's eyes after making him/her laugh. I look forward to sharing my moments with you. And, yes, I am a cheese ball. Please stay tuned.

1 comment:

Diana Hulme said...

Meredith - I love that you have a blog! :) You're the cutest. Of course, I'm putting you on my friends link list. :) Blogs are the best.