Friday, September 12, 2008

It's Friday

Secret of Life #1. Fridays.
At the request of my cousin-in-law, beautiful Nellie Bingham, I am going to share another "one of those" sister moments (though perhaps her permission to do so is just my excuse). And did I not say I would quit my proud-sister moments, until Friday...? Well, she's here.

Front page of the Idaho Statesman Sports Section:

{Side Note: As articulate as my mother is, and has so demonstrated with the bombardment of phone calls from the local Boise press, reporters always find a way to manipulate personal comments! "We're trying to keep him focused on the next game so he can continue to do good," GOOD? From, Karen Mangum? Not a chance.


"...We hate to put him on the cover of Sports Illustrated too soon," Ahem, I was in the kitchen listening to this very statement given by my mother, and it was clearly referencing the Sports Illustrated cover curse (i.e. you put a team on a cover, and they inevitably fade). Now my mother looks like one of those moms, and she hates that. ALAS, I digress...}

1 comment:

Nellie said...

I LOVE LOVE LOVE this post. Thanks! Really. I am not surprised by your families' athletic genious -- I just wish I could be there in the flesh -- I love a good HS football game -- I am from Texas, after all!

I agree, your Mom would never say "good" in that sentence. We all know the truth . . .